Friday, August 23, 2013


We have a BIG Announcement over here at Barren Made Beautiful!

Ms. Eliana will be a big sis!!!

I thought it'd be appropriate to announce our starting the adoption process on her second birthday!

Eliana told me "Baby Grow in my Belly" 

Since we all know that won't be happening for a long while, 
we are praying fervently for Dean Baby #2's Birth mama. 

More Details to come this week...

This is the website to follow us along on our journey.

Be prepared for an adventure... 
Through  my writing you'll catch a glimpse of my soul,
and you will be able to hear the heart of a mama who has trudged through the muddy waters of infertility
into the beautiful world of Adoption. 

We are overjoyed and excited to meet Dean Baby #2! 

Monday, August 12, 2013

5 Months Picture Overload. 2/24/12

 She has mastered the art of sitting up on her own. She's been doing it for about a month now. Each day she sits longer before keeling over.

 We spent lots of time with Bella...Eliana is officially obsessed with Bella. They are buddies. Bella can make Eliana laugh hysterically at any given moment.
I have been doing homeschool preschool with Bella when Eliana is sleeping, and we are both loving it!

 Baby girl loves her baths...She would take 10 a day if I gave her a choice. 
She likes her baths rather warm too...

 Eliana's Birth mom, sister, and brother came for a week long visit. We had a great time!

 Eliana officially eats solids. This is her taking her first bites of rice cereal. She was not a fan of rice cereal, oatmeal, or bananas. Besides that...she will eat anything. She's become quite the eater. She is even getting neater...almost not needing a bath after every feeding ;)

 Bath time with her brother and sister!

 Snuggle time!

 We are so blessed to have the relationship we do with K. I am thankful Eliana will grow up knowing how much she's loved:) 

 Amber has been around the house quite a bit as well. When ever Eliana sees Amber, she lunges for her. She must know how much Amber loves hugs!

 We went to a birthday party with a sports theme. Eliana dressed up as a cheerleader on Team Hannah and Daniel. 

 Hope is obsessed with Eliana. The feeling is mutual. 

 Watching Super Why! with her friends.

 I love how my friends love Eliana. 

 We went to our first mother/daughter tea. Eliana was ready for a nap by the end. Can you tell?

 Auntie Jessi has been watching Eliana, so I can go to bible study every week. It's a huge blessing!

 Girl loves her feet! They are in her mouth continually!

 Can't get enough of this smile...
 Just a couple days ago E reached for her daddy for the first time. She does this excited squeal jump every time she sees him now. She knows Daddy= fun!

 I could just eat those pigs!

I fall in love over and over again every day!

Pictures. 1/9/12

Here's a quick Picture Update:
(click on the pictures to enlarge)
 E is strong! She can roll over and hold her self up like a super star. 

 Those Lashes just keep getting longer!

 When this girl smiles, she smiles ear to ear! The Belly laughs are the best!

 1st Time to have those pigs in the sand! She loved it!

 First Christmas! It was incredibly special!

 Our Sweet little Family...

 Daddy and his little girl.

 Mama and her peanut!

I could just eat these curled up piggies!

Picture Update. 12/22/11

Click on the Link Below to See...

First, First Thanksgiving!

Hanging on Mommy's Lap

Meet ChCow! (Short for Chubby Cow)
E's Favorite toy to lick!

Daddy took Eli golfing!

Lunch with Great Grandma! 
(check out those bald spots! She sleeps with her head to the side!)

Her Hat from Uncle Tom and Aunt Sheril
"My First Fishing Hat"

Cuteness overload!