Monday, August 12, 2013

Hope 5/23/09

I've been tagged again by Jessica. This time I need to declare the word over my life... 
When God looks at me, what is it that he sings over me. 
As I was praying about this and asking the Lord, I was walking around my house, and it became very apparent what my word is. 
I have the word hope spackled throughout my home.
 It is a word that I am determined to live out. 
I am a woman who hopes...
hopes when things are going well...
hopes when things look hopeless. I don't just hope in anything...
I put my hope IN GOD ALONE. 
My hope is not in doctors, not in medicine, not in anyone else, not in good luck...

In God's word alone. He is the only answer.

Part of the tagging was that I was supposed to post a picture of myself declaring God's Banner over me...

His word over me. 
I was looking through pictures and realized that I have no pictures of just me...
Well, the truth is that I have a couple, but when I am in a picture alone, I typically act like a dork. 
I am making weird faces in every single one of them :p 

So... I hired my best Friend Jessica to come take pictures of me, since she was the one that tagged me. She did an amazing job!

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