Monday, August 12, 2013

I want to Know Her. 12/22/11

I want her to know that not a day goes by I don't think about her

I want her to know she is one of the first people I think about when I wake up each morning

I want her to know I pray for her every day, numerous times a day

I want her to know I love her in a way I can't explain

I want her to know contrary to what people think I should feel I don't feel threatened by her love for Eliana. She loves her as a mother loves her daughter, and I understand and embrace that.

I want her to know I do my best every day so if she were watching she would feel proud of me and proud that she chose me to be Eliana's mother
I want her to know I talk to Eliana every day all day and tell her how loved she is

I want her to know I give Eliana kisses from her every day

I want her to know when Eliana smiles it reminds me of her and I think of how much she resembles her

I want her to know I would give her anything in the world if it would help take away any pain she has

I want her to know I can't imagine how hard the holidays are going to be for her

I want her to know that her emails and texts bring me joy and I savor every one of them

I want her to know that I can not wait to see her again
I want her to know that Eliana will ALWAYS know how much she loved her and wanted the very best for her.

(I saw this on another blog, and I found it to be very much the way I feel)

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